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[Video] Innowalk has been crucial for better respiration and quality of life.

Serena Eriksson - Advisory Physiotherapist
Serena Eriksson - Advisory Physiotherapist
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boy with cerebral palsy in innowalk

Innowalk has become crucial in Melvin's life. It is a device that not only improves his motor skills and mobility but also enhances his quality of life and joy. By standing in the Innowalk, Melvin is able to clear a large amount of mucus, which helps him breathe more easily and be more active. 

In this article you can read about:

- Melvin and his family
- Birth and symptoms of cerebral palsy
- Melvin received Innowalk when he was 2 years old
- Motor development
- Innowalk´s effect on mucus mobilisation
- Melvin´s health

Melvin and his family 

Melvin is a stubborn and playful 3-year-old who lives with his mum Linda and dad Simon. The family also includes two lively dogs and two cats. Melvin and Marängen, one of the cats, have a particularly strong bond. It is as if Marängen instinctively understands that Melvin is special and follows him everywhere, always wanting to be close, which creates a sense of security and companionship for Melvin. The cats have also increased Melvin's interest in his surroundings, and it was actually thanks to the cats that Melvin began to turn his head to follow their movements with his eyes. This strong bond between Melvin and the cats brightens the family's everyday life and is a sign of the love and care that surrounds him. 

Birth and symptoms of cerebral palsy 

Melvins mother’s pregnancy was uncomplicated, and his parents eagerly anticipated welcoming their new family member. However, complications arose during birth when Melvin's shoulders became stuck against his mother's pelvis (shoulder dystocia). The situation quickly became critical as Melvin experienced severe oxygen deprivation. The period following his birth was marked by uncertainty and concern for his health, and by six months of age, it became clear that the lack of oxygen had caused brain damage. Melvin was diagnosed with unspecified cerebral palsy, which affected almost his entire body. He has limited ability to speak, eat, and move independently. Today, he is fed through a button on his stomach (PEG) and relies on assistive devices to sit, stand, and walk. His breathing is also affected, and he often suffers from respiratory problems due to excessive mucus in his airways. 

Melvin faces his challenges every day with great determination and a will of steel, continually overcoming obstacles. Despite needing help with everything in his daily life, his parents always focus on his strengths and possibilities. This positive attitude has been crucial for the family, easing their daily life and outlook on existence. Linda and Simon are convinced that their son has a bright future ahead of him, thanks to his incredible stubbornness and the small but significant progress he continually makes. 

baby in hospital bed

Melvin received Innowalk when he was 2 years old 

When Melvin was just a few months old, his parents heard about Innowalk, a device they thought could be beneficial for him. Curious and hopeful, they researched further and discussed the possibilities with Melvin's physiotherapist. When Melvin was just over two years old, he received his Innowalk with the hope that it would provide movement in his legs and allow him to experience the sensation of walking. However, they soon discovered that Innowalk offered Melvin much more than just leg movement. 

boy with cp in his innowalk

What is the Innowalk?

Innowalk is a motorized standing and walking aid designed for mobilization and activity in a standing position, similar to an advanced elliptical machine. Children do not need to have any independent standing or walking function to use Innowalk, making it an ideal aid for children who spend most of their time sitting or lying down.
The change in position, along with the dynamic rather than static standing position, offers many positive health benefits.
Innowalk can be used by children who are 80 cm tall and above.

Learn more about the Innowalk here.  

Motor development 

After just a few weeks of using Innowalk, Melvin's parents noticed a significant change in their son. They quickly observed that he could hold his head up better on his own and began to explore his hands and use them in a more engaged manner. It was as if the newfound mobility had opened up a new dimension of play and activity for Melvin. 

When Melvin first received his Innowalk, he could neither crawl nor move around on the floor. He mostly lay still, observing the world from a stationary perspective. However, significant progress occurred after Innowalk was introduced. Suddenly, Melvin began using his legs to scoot around on the mat, transforming the floor into a place of opportunities and discoveries. Gradually, he also started initiating crawling movements and moving more independently. 

Linda recalls a particularly memorable moment when Melvin, with a determined look and a triumphant smile, crawled off the mat for the first time. It was as if the whole world had opened up for him, and every movement was a new victory, a new discovery, a new reason to celebrate. 

Read More: “Why Is Early Childhood Intervention so Important?” 

Innowalk's effect on mucus mobilisation 

One of the most significant and impactful effects that Melvin's parents have noticed is that while using Innowalk, Melvin often expels a large amount of mucus. This has made a tremendous difference in his daily life. 

Linda, Melvin's mum, describes how Melvin, who previously struggled with managing mucus in his airways, can now breathe more easily and is much more active throughout the day. It's not just the physical aspect that has improved. His parents have also noticed that Melvin is no longer as tired and fatigued. He has more energy and can participate in more activities, contributing to a happier boy with a better quality of life. Linda and Simon directly attribute this improvement to the reduced respiratory issues, thanks to Innowalk's assistance with mucus mobilisation. 
 Poster presented at the EACD in 2018 -  Static compared t dynamic supported standing for non-ambulatory children with cerebral palsy – a pilot study.

Melvins health 

Innowalk has not only had a positive impact on Melvin's physical health. Since he started using Innowalk, he has shown a joy and liveliness that were previously rare. His parents have noticed a clear improvement in his overall well-being and mental health. 

Melvin uses his Innowalk for 45 minutes, 5-6 times a week. The device has become an essential part of his daily routine. This becomes especially evident on days when, for some reason, Melvin cannot use his Innowalk. On these days, the amount of mucus in his airways increases significantly, making him more tired and less energetic. His overall condition deteriorates quickly, and he shows signs of discomfort and concern. 

Linda and Simon conclude by sharing how much Innowalk has meant to them as well. Seeing their son thrive, be more active, and make progress has had an enormously positive impact on their own well-being and quality of life. They feel deeply grateful to have found a device that not only improves Melvin's physical health but also his joy and energy levels. 

boy with family in innowalk

Thank you, Melvin, Linda, and Simon, for sharing your story with us. We believe that your positive attitude can be an inspiration to others in similar situations. 

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Serena Eriksson - Advisory Physiotherapist
Serena Eriksson - Advisory Physiotherapist

Serena Eriksson is a trained physiotherapist with a clinical background in areas such as neurorehabilitation. She is passionate and driven to give everyone the opportunity to experience a good quality of life and reach their full potential. As an Advisory Physiotherapist at Made for Movement, Serena is responsible for training and advising on our assistive devices for therapists, assistive device consultants, users, and relatives who need solutions that enable physical activity and improved health.

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